Selected publications (*corresponding):
- Aldous N, Elsayed AK, Memon B, Ijaz S, Hayat S, Abdelalim EM*(2024). Deletion of RFX6 impairs iPSC-derived islet organoid development and survival, with no impact on PDX1+/NKX6.1+ progenitors. Diabetologia, 2024, Jul 30. doi: 10.1007/s00125-024-06232-2.
- Aghadi M, Elgendy R, Abdelalim EM*(2022). Loss of FOXA2 induces ER stress and hepatic steatosis and alters developmental gene expression in human iPSC-derived hepatocytes. Cell Death & Disease, 2022 Aug 16;13(8):713. doi: 10.1038/s41419-022-05158-0.
- Elsayed AK, Younis I, Ali G, Hussain K, Abdelalim EM* (2021). Aberrant development of pancreatic beta cells derived from human iPSCs with FOXA2 deficiency. Cell Death & Disease, 12: 103. doi: 10.1038/s41419-021-03390-8.
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