Selected publications (†co-first, *corresponding):
- † *Akil, A.AS., Yassin, E., Al-Maraghi, A. et al. Diagnosis and treatment of type 1 diabetes at the dawn of the personalized medicine era. J Transl Med 19, 137 (2021).
- Fatima MT, Ahmed I, Fakhro KA, *Akil A-S. Melanocortin-4 receptor complexity in energy homeostasis,obesity and drug development strategies. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2022; 24(4): 583-598. doi:10.1111/dom.14618
- Ahmed I, Ziab M, Da'as S, Hasan W, Jeya SP, Aliyev E, Nisar S, Bhat AA, Fakhro KA, *Alshabeeb Akil AS. Network-based identification and prioritization of key transcriptional factors of diabetic kidney disease. Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 2023 Jan 2;21:716-730. doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2022.12.054. PMID: 36659918; PMCID: PMC9827363.