06 January 2021, Doha, Qatar – Sidra Medicine and Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) will jointly host the 5th Qatar - Pediatric Emergency Medicine (Q-PEM) Conference 2021 from 15th to 17th January 2021. The annual conference is being held virtually this year.
Q-PEM’s goal is to provide a high-quality, evidence-based update for healthcare practitioners involved in the urgent and emergent care of children.
Q-PEM 2021 Conference Chairman, Prof. Khalid Al Ansari, who is also the Chair of Emergency Medicine at Sidra Medicine said: “Q-PEM this year promises to be a memorable one, both in the quality of scientific discourse and its impact equipping frontline healthcare providers to improving the quality of care for children with urgent and emergency health issues. It will cover the fundamentals of pediatric emergency medicine relevant to all clinicians providing emergency or urgent care to children, and also current best evidence for common and critical pediatric emergencies. We have prepared a program agenda geared towards keeping current developments in PEM as well taking into account the pediatric emergencies related to COVID-19.”

Topics this year will range from infectious diseases, pain management, surgical emergencies, respiratory emergencies related to the care of acutely ill or injured children. There will also be a segment on COVID-19 and its diverse features. Other topics on the agenda include “Recognizing the deteriorating child”; “Resuscitation Care: Translating Knowledge & Airway Management” and toxicology and trauma management.
Q-PEM will include presentations and insights from Sidra Medicine’s leading pediatric emergency medicine experts including Dr. Barbara Blackie; Dr. Amrita Sarpal. Dr. Khalid Alyafei; Dr. Colin V.E Powell, Dr. Sudhakar Adusumilli, Dr. Lisa Goldsworthy, Dr. Graeme Francis Hadley and Dr. Kevin Enright.
HMC experts at the conference include Dr. Mohammed Alamri, Dr. Bashir Ali Youssef, Dr. Fatihi Toaimah, Dr. Magda Barkat, Dr. Mark Dimon Santos, Dr. Nasser Ali A. Haidar, Dr. Rafah Al Sayyed, Dr. Walid AbouGalala, Dr. Yasser Mahmoud Al Deeb, Mr. Anan Al Badawi, Mr. Ian Ronald Howland, Ms. Kirsten Ann Uhde and Ms. Neha Mariam Babu.
“This year’s Q-PEM Conference provides a valuable opportunity for doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and support staff involved in the provision of care for pediatric patients in Qatar to come together to discuss the key topics in the field and to share best practice. HMC is committed to working with Sidra Medicine, the Ministry of Public Health, Primary Health Care Corporation and other healthcare partners to ensure children in Qatar receive the very best quality of healthcare possible,” said HMC’s Acting Chairman of Pediatrics and Director of Pediatric Emergency Centers, Dr Mohamed al-Amri.
The conference will also feature international speakers including Dr. Ian Maconochie from St. Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College London; Dr. Sami Sulaiman Al Farsi from the Royal Hospital in Oman; and Professor Franz Babl, from Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne, Australia who is also the head of emergency research at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute.
Q-PEM 2021 has also invited Dr. Damien Roland, an experienced PEM clinician from Leicester University whose research interests include the creation and evaluation of interventions which improve the recognition of ill children in emergency and acute care settings. Dr. Roland is the developer of Paediatric Observation Priority Score (POPS), available as an app, which has been shortlisted for two healthcare technology awards. He was also part of the team that delivered http://www.spottingthesickchild.com, a patient safety award winning educational website.
Q-PEM 2021 is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Category 1) as defined by the Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners- Accreditation Department and is approved for a maximum of 20 hours.
To register and other details, please visit: q-pem.com.