Senior Attending Physician Years Of Experience: 40-
About William Francis Senior Attending Physician
William was educated at Presentation Brothers, Cork before studying medicine at University College Cork, qualifying in 1980. Always one to follow the road less travelled, William, took his own journey through medical school and had a year’s sabbatical before final med. During this time he travelled widely in Europe, Israel, South Africa, India and Australia, and did a number of attachments in medical colleges in South Africa, Singapore and Sydney.
He entered anaesthesia training in 1981 in Limerick before joining the Eastern Regional Training Scheme in Dublin and obtained the Fellowship of the Faculty of Anaesthetists RCSI in 1984. He completed his SpR training in June 1986, prior to which he had spent 2 six-month rotations to Crumlin Children’s hospital, where his love of paediatric anaesthesia and intensive care was fostered.
Upon completion of his Irish training, William spent a highly successful year as Clinical & Research Fellow at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, Canada, during which time, he published papers on cardiac, general surgery and obstetric anaesthesia. He then moved to a fellowship position in Anaesthesiology at the Department of Anaesthesia & Critical Care Medicine, National Medical Centre, children’s hospital, Washington DC, thus resuming his interest in paediatric medicine. After a year’s fellowship William was offered and accepted an attending position, at the National Medical Centre, where he stayed for 15 months.
In 1989, William returned to Crumlin as a consultant in anaesthesia and intensive care, where he has remained for the last 26 years. Confucius is attributed with saying “choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”. Never has a quote been more aptly applied than to William and his love of paediatric anaesthesia and intensive care. On that basis, William has never had to work a day in his life, in Crumlin. William has a unique way with children of all ages who frequently, when returning to theatre, look for “sleepy Billy” to give them their anaesthetic.
He is also a superb colleague to work with, and a gifted mentor and trainer to our trainees. During his time in Crumlin, he has developed a research fellowship programme and authored 25 peer-reviewed publications. He has also served on the Hospital Executive for a period, been chairman of our Department and has been a member of the Board of Management of Our Lady’s Children’s hospital for the last number of years.
After retiring from Our Ladies Children’s Hospital he was appointed in 2015 as associate professor in RCSI Bahrain Medical school and Head of intensive care in King Hamad University hospital.
In 2017 he took up a position as Senior Attending in Paediatric Anaesthesia in Sidra Medicine.
Languages Spoken English
Years Of Experience 40
Areas Of Interest Pediatric Critical Care