Ahmad Kaddourah MD
Attending Physician-
About Ahmad Dr. Kaddourah finished his general pediatric residency at University of Louisville in Kentucky, USA in 2013. He then joined Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Ohio to do his fellowship in Pediatric Nephrology that was accomplished in 2013.
During his fellowship, Dr. Kaddourah obtained a Master Degree in Clinical and Translational Research from University of Cincinnati in 2012. Following his Nephrology fellowship, he did a subspecialty fellowship in Pediatric Acute Care Nephrology and Dialysis at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.
He Joined Sidra Medicine to lead the Center for Acute Nephrologic and Extracorporeal Therapies (CANET) Center. This center is specialized in providing renal replacement therapies and apheresis procedures for critically ill children.
Dr. Kaddourah has special research interest in childhood acute kidney injury and Cardiorenal Syndrome He has multiple peer-reviewed publications in different journals including New England Journal of Medicine and presented his research in different international meetings including the American Society of Nephrology meetings.
Languages Spoken English, Arabic
Education - Clinical and Translational Research, University of Cincinnati Cincinnati
- Pediatric Nephrology and Hypertension, University of Damascus Damascus
Publications - Epidemiology of Acute Kidney Injury
- Identifying evidence of cardio-renal syndrome
- Novel Urinary Tubular Injury Markers Reveal
- Urinary Biomarker Incorporation
- Prevalence, predictors and outcomes
Special Clinical Interests - Pediatric Nephrology, Pediatric Acute Care Nephrology, and General Pediatrics