Eminent Speakers Offer Insights on Day Two of Sidra Medicine's Precision Medicine and Functional Genomics Conference Hosted in Qatar and streamed worldwide, top-flight leaders in their fields discussed Precision Care in Maternal and Child Health and Advances in Innovative Therapies for Precision Medicine. 5 Decem… Continue Reading.....
World-Renowned Researchers and Clinicians Discuss latest Research and Innovation at Sidra Medicine's Precision Medicine and Functional Genomics Conference PMFG 2021 Presenting virtually from Qatar and locations worldwide, leaders in their fields discussed current progress and the future of pediatric genomic medicine as well as discoveries using large-scale genome… Continue Reading.....
Hearts beating with joy Baby Abdulla was born premature with a heart defect. His parents flew him to Qatar and share their joy following his treatment and care at Sidra Medicine’s Heart Center. … Continue Reading.....
Sidra Medicine appoints Chief Nursing Officer and Chief of Corporate Services Sidra Medicine, a member of Qatar Foundation, has appointed Ms. Judy Dawson-Jones as its Chief Nursing Officer and Mr. Mohammed Salem as Chief of Corporate Services. Dr. Barbro Fridén, Chief Execut… Continue Reading.....
Sidra Medicine to host Women’s Health Conference 2021 QF Entity to focus on advances in obstetrics, gynecology and general women’s health Sidra Medicine, a member of Qatar Foundation, is hosting the Women’s Health Conference 2021 (WCH 2021) from 29 – … Continue Reading.....
QATAR GENOMICS STUDY UNLOCKS SECRETS OF THE PAST TO HELP SHAPE FUTURE OF HEALTHCARE FOR MILLIONS Largest ever Arab genome study from Qatar Genome Research Consortium sheds light on the population structure and genetic diversity of modern Arab and Middle Eastern populations Researchers in Qatar… Continue Reading.....