Sidra Medicine first hospital in MENA to implant newly certified artificial heart valve QF Entity participation in clinical trials leads to approval of the Venus P-Valve for worldwide use 08 November 2022, Doha, Qatar – Sidra Medicine has been selected as the first hospital in the Mid… Continue Reading.....
Sidra Medicine Treats Ugandan Patient with Lymphangioma QF Entity cares for over 500 international patients in five years 02 November 2022, Doha, Qatar – Surgeons from Sidra Medicine performed a life-saving procedure on an international patient from Uga… Continue Reading.....
Sidra Medicine signs MoU with Microsoft to achieve digital transformation goals in research 25 October 2022, Doha, Qatar – Sidra Medicine has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Microsoft to facilitate its research division’s digital transformation goals and accelerate its precis… Continue Reading.....
Sidra Medicine launches Menopause Clinic QF Entity coincides new service opening with World Menopause Day 18 October 2022, Doha, Qatar – Sidra Medicine has launched a new Menopause Clinic, a comprehensive service dedicated to the manageme… Continue Reading.....
Sidra Medicine to host Women’s Health Conference QF Entity to focus on women’s wellness within a holistic context 4 October 2022, Doha, Qatar – Sidra Medicine will virtually host a Women’s Health Conference (WHC 2022) from 14-15 October 2022. The… Continue Reading.....
Sidra Medicine Precision Medicine Functional Genomics Symposium Major Success 29 September 2022, Doha, Qatar – Sidra Medicine successfully concluded its Precision Medicine Functional Genomics symposium (PMFG 2022) to a packed audience of over 640 registered attendees during the… Continue Reading.....